Yacht clean services
Our recommended products: Painted surfaces - Awlcare Awlgrip is not only a well known and often used paint and topcoat brand on luxury...
Boat app
A boat app or yacht app is a mobile application. Boat apps come with various functionalities which commonly include remote monitoring and...
Yacht - Alarm and monitoring systems
Alarm and monitoring system on board enable yacht crew to quickly respond to security and/or (potential) operational issues as part of...
What is yacht crew
Yacht crew generally consist of the following positions: Captain; Steward/ess; Deckhand; Chief mate; Second mate; Chef; Engineer. Captain...
Marine Electronics
Marine electronics is the generic name for electronic devices designed and classed for use in the marine environment on board ships and...
Greybeard Engineer
The Graybeard engineer retired and a few weeks later the Big Machine broke down, which was essential to the company’s revenue. The...
Trim of Yacht
Trim Trim is the running angel of the yacht as it makes way in the water. Trimming a yacht means to either raise or lower the bow, hence...
Connected Yacht App
A connected yacht is a ship that is one that can communicate bidirectionally with other systems outside of the yacht. This allows the...